
5th International Сonference

"Conservation of Forest
Genetic Resources"

Gomel, Belarus, October 2–7, 2017   


Time for submission of abstracts has passed!

Time for submission of abstracts has passed!

Time for submission of abstracts has passed!

Time for submission of abstracts has passed!
Time for submission of abstracts has passed!

Go to the main Conference page

PDF Proceedings of the 5-th International CONFERENCE "CONSERVATION OF FOREST GENETIC RESOURCES" (October 02-07, 2017, Homel, Belarus)

PDF Conference Programme (865 Kb)

PDF 2-nd Announcement (785 Kb)

PDF 1-st Announcement (434 Kb)

 Contact information 

Institute of Forest, Belarus National Academy of Sciences

Address: Proletarskaya Street 71,
246001 Gomel, Belarus

Phone/fax: +(375) 232 75-73-73

Contact phones:

+375 (232) 75-69-02
Dr. Vladimir E. Padutov
(Head of the Laboratory of Genetics and Biotechnology);

+375 (29) 128-06-41
Dr. Dmitry I. Kagan
(Senior Research Associate of the Laboratory of Genetics and Biotechnology)


 Key dates and deadlines 

Submissions of participation forms and applications for oral or poster presentation
– till 11 August 2017

Accepting of materials for publication
– till 11 August 2017

Mailing of invitations and the 2nd information letter with a preliminary program
– till 15 August 2017

Mailing of the 3rd information letter
- till 1 September 2017

 Previous conferences 


The 4th International Conference on Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources in Siberia"
(Barnaul, Russia, August 24-29, 2015),
and others...